Unlock the power of creativity with MetaNFT.
The Metaverse is a revolutionary 3D virtual world where users can explore and interact with various spaces through their digital avatars. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are digital items that can be bought and sold using blockchain technology, and have become a game-changing tool for creating unique, verifiable digital assets. In the world of the Metaverse, NFTs take the form of wearables and items for games and land areas, which users can buy and sell in a thriving digital marketplace. Our project is focused on creating innovative and engaging NFT wearables and game items for the Metaverse, unlocking new possibilities for creativity, collaboration, and commerce in this exciting new world.
Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
Here is the link to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform of the project.
EU-funded project
MetaNFT: Creating NFT Opportunities on Metaverse for Art VET trainees – (2022-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000080828)
L4Y Learning For Youth GmbH is coordinating the project with the partners:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Unit 1 – Definitions and Map of Metaverse with free NFT creation software
(download the whole of Unit 1 as a PDF file)
- 1.1 Introduction to the Metaverse (including definitions and terminology)
- 1.2 Exploring the Metaverse: Digital Identity, Blockchain, NFTs, and Cryptocurrency
- 1.3 Understanding the Concept of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
- 1.4 Exploring Different Metaverses: Decentraland, Sandbox, and More
- 1.5 Mapping the Metaverse: Key Locations and Features
- 1.6 Introduction to Free NFT Creation Software: The Role of VoxEdit
- 1.7 Creating Basic NFTs with VoxEdit: A Tutorial for Beginners
- 1.8 Social and Cultural Impact of the Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges
Unit 2 – Security Strategy while using Blockchain
(download the whole of Unit 2 as a PDF file)
- 2.1 Security Strategy while using Blockchain
- 2.2 Key Security Concerns in the Blockchain Space
- 2.3 Strategies to Secure Your NFTs and Blockchain Transactions
- 2.4 Understanding Smart Contracts and Their Security Aspects
- 2.5 Best Practices for Protecting Your Digital Assets and Identity
- 2.6 Tips for Avoiding Scams and Frauds in the Blockchain World
Unit 3 – How to Create NFT on the Metaverse
(download the whole of Unit 3 as a PDF file)
- 3.1 Introduction to Creating NFTs on the Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges
- 3.2 The Revolution of Web3.0
- 3.3 Step-by-step Guide to Creating NFT Avatars using VoxEdit
- 3.4 Designing and Creating NFT Wearables with VoxEdit
- 3.5 Crafting Unique NFT Game Items for the Metaverse
- 3.6 Minting and Listing Your NFTs: The Path to Monetizing Your Art
Presentations, Playlists of Songs and Videos

A short overview of the project
This project is funded by Erasmus for a term of 20 months and aims to explore the intersection of the Metaverse and NFTs. The Metaverse refers to a 3D virtual world where users can interact with different spaces through digital avatars, while NFTs are digital items that can be bought and sold using blockchain technology.
Specifically, this project will focus on the use of NFTs as wearables and items for Metaverse games. These NFTs can be traded among users and can represent items such as clothing, weapons, and other accessories that can be worn by digital avatars in the Metaverse. By exploring the potential of NFTs in the Metaverse, this project aims to contribute to the growing field of virtual economies and the use of blockchain technology in gaming.
- Train VET trainees on “how to create NFTs on Metaverse”;
- Transfer skills on NFT creation on Metaverse to VET trainees;
- Increase the employability of VET trainees;
- Foster VET providers embedding results in curricula;
- Increase digital marketing skills.
- The reason why this project is crucial is that it targets a group of young people with fewer opportunities, particularly those from low-income families living in rural areas. These students may not have access to the same opportunities as their peers, which could impact their future prospects.
This project aims to teach 14-18-year-old VET students how to create NFTs for the Metaverse, increasing their employability and digital marketing skills. It also provides a pedagogical training approach for VET trainers and encourages VET providers to embed the MetaNFT project into their curricula. The project contributes to the growing field of virtual economies and the use of blockchain technology in gaming.
our partners.

l4y learning for youth gmbh
L4Y Learning For Youth is an art and technology company founded in 2018 in Pirmasens, working in the youth field. But, it fits with the digital and technological skills to work in the VET field. In the scope of our skills, using technology and art skills for social problems like the integration of migrants and environmental protection is our social contribution.

Adana cukurova guzel sanatlar
Our vision is to be an institution that will vocalize Turkish art and music works within the framework of the polyphonic structure. To be an institution that will gain a collective aesthetic point of view, have an original and creative identity as school employees in line with universal education and teaching principles, support and develop creativity, and enrich our culture by owning our past.

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EMC Services provides custom software solutions for optimizing organizational performance, including innovative ICT tooling platforms, e-learning resources, and qualitative research. Our solutions are research-based and designed using state-of-the-art software trends.