L4Y Learning for Youth GmbH coordinates EU-funded “V2B: Creating NFT Opportunities on Metaverse for Art VET Trainees – 2022-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000080828” project with Adana Cukurova Guzel Sanatlar and EMC Services Ltd. Following the activites of the project, partners prepared this blog post, “Defining the Training Structure for Digital Art and Blockchain in VET”, as a press release of partner countries’ local and national media. In addition, an introduction post of the project was written. The Digital Art Training Framework is designed to equip VET trainees with advanced skills in blockchain and NFT technologies, ensuring they thrive in the evolving landscape of digital arts. Consequently, this initiative sets the stage for a detailed exploration of practical and innovative educational strategies.
Integrating Emerging Technologies
The MetaNFT project stands at the forefront of integrating emerging technologies like blockchain, NFTs, and the Metaverse into vocational education and training (VET). The newly developed MetaNFT Training Framework aims to arm VET trainees with crucial digital skills. Consequently, they will stay competitive and proficient in an increasingly digital art world.
Understanding the Needs of VET Trainees
Our initial investigations under R1, “Understanding the Needs of the Target Group,” utilized creative thinking methodologies. This approach helped us grasp the existing knowledge, skills, and attitudes of VET trainees towards digital tools and concepts. Consequently, our findings revealed a significant need for a structured training module tailored to the unique gaps and educational objectives of these learners.
Moreover, drawing on comprehensive survey results, it became evident that there is a significant range in familiarity and proficiency with digital art tools and blockchain technology among the trainees. For instance, while some are adept at using sophisticated software like Adobe Photoshop, others have barely scratched the surface of digital tools. Thus, this disparity underscores the necessity for a tailored training framework. It not only introduces these pivotal technologies but also deepens understanding. As a result, we can bridge the existing knowledge gaps effectively. By aligning the curriculum with the specific needs and skill levels of the trainees, we ensure that every participant can advance confidently in the digital realm.
A Collaborative Approach to Digital Art Training Framework
Following the survey, R1:A2, “Definition of the Structure of the Module,” was instrumental in finalizing the training framework. Here, interactions with proto-personas—representative profiles based on average trainee views—helped refine the curriculum to ensure it met real-world needs and preferences.
The finalized training module structure comprises three comprehensive units:
Unit 1 – Definitions and Map of Metaverse with free NFT creation software
1.1 Introduction to the Metaverse (including definitions and terminology)
1.2 Exploring the Metaverse: Digital Identity, Blockchain, NFTs, and Cryptocurrency
1.3 Understanding the Concept of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
1.4 Exploring Different Metaverses: Decentraland, Sandbox, and More
1.5 Mapping the Metaverse: Key Locations and Features
1.6 Introduction to Free NFT Creation Software: The Role of VoxEdit
1.7 Creating Basic NFTs with VoxEdit: A Tutorial for Beginners
1.8 Social and Cultural Impact of the Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges
Unit 2 – Security Strategy while using Blockchain
2.1 Understanding Blockchain Technology: Basics and Importance
2.2 Key Security Concerns in the Blockchain Space
2.3 Strategies to Secure Your NFTs and Blockchain Transactions
2.4 Understanding Smart Contracts and Their Security Aspects
2.5 Best Practices for Protecting Your Digital Assets and Identity
2.6 Tips for Avoiding Scams and Frauds in the Blockchain World
Unit 3 – How to Create NFT on the Metaverse
3.1 Introduction to Creating NFTs on the Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges
3.2 The Revolution of Web3.0
3.3 Step-by-step Guide to Creating NFT Avatars using VoxEdit
3.4 Designing and Creating NFT Wearables with VoxEdit
3.5 Crafting Unique NFT Game Items for the Metaverse
3.6 Minting and Listing Your NFTs: The Path to Monetizing Your Art
Digital Art Training Framework Conclusion: A Step Towards Future-Ready Education
The MetaNFT Training Framework marks a practical advancement in educational approaches tailored for vocational training. This framework focuses on delivering essential digital skills, particularly in blockchain and NFT technologies. These areas are increasingly vital in the digital art sector.
Moreover, feedback from our extensive surveys and interactions with proto-personas has been crucial. It has significantly shaped a curriculum that aligns with the real-world needs of trainees. This input ensures that the framework addresses both current educational requirements and emerging technological trends.
Furthermore, looking forward, we are preparing to launch online training modules. These modules will directly address the identified skill gaps. Considering this, the next activity, R2: Development of the Online Training as Blog Posts, will be created with content that matches the Training Framework. Consequently, it will equip VET trainees with the essential skills and knowledge needed to work with digital art and blockchain technologies.