Creating Metaverse NFTs: Introducing the EU-Funded Project

by | Jun 1, 2023 | News, R1 - Training Framework

Introducing the EU-funded project “V2B: Creating NFT Opportunities on Metaverse for Art VET Trainees” and our project reference number: 2022-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000080828. Coordinated by L4Y Learning for Youth GmbH in collaboration with Adana Cukurova Guzel Sanatlar and EMC Services Ltd, this blog post “Creating Metaverse NFTs: A Step-by-Step Guide for Young Innovators” serves as a captivating introduction. Discover how this project aims to revolutionize the future of digital assets and creativity. Explore the project’s R1 – Training Framework for more information and exciting updates.

Creating Metaverse NFTs: Introduction to the MetaNFT Project

Firstly, welcome to our exciting project that combines the endless possibilities of the Metaverse with the unique potential of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). However, Metaverse is a dynamic 3D virtual world that allows users to interact with multiple spaces, all within the immersive world of their digital avatars. NFTs, on the other hand, are digital assets that utilize blockchain technology for secure ownership and transactional capabilities. In the context of Metaverse, NFTs take the form of wearable items and characters for games, as well as exclusive land areas you can buy and sell. So, in this project, our primary focus will revolve around creating and utilising NFT wearables and game items within the Metaverse.

Creating Metaverse NFTs: Aim and Objectives

MetaNFT was deliberately created to address the challenges inherent in non-fungible tokens (NFTs). MetaNFT aims to revolutionize the way NFTs are perceived and used. Here are the aims and goals of the project:

  • Firstly, the MetaNFT Project Mapping Manual
  • Secondly, Train VET trainees on”how to create NFTs on the metaverse”;
  • Thirdly, Transfers skills on NFT creation on Metaverse to VETtrainees;
  • Fourthly, Increase the employability of VET trainees;
  • Fifthly, Foster VET providers embed results in curricula;
  • Lastly, Increase digital marketing skills

Creating Metaverse NFTs: Uncovering the Innovative Results of MetaNFT

There will be results for each of our activities. So, let’s dive into the fantastic future results that we will achieve through our project:

  • MetaNFT Project Mapping Manual
  • Creation of a training module structure
  • Four hours of YouTube videos
  • 20 SEO-friendly blog posts
  • 30-page Guidelines for trainers
  • 100-page Guidelines of Marketing Strategy on Metaverse
  • Development of skills in NFT creation on Metaverse
  • A map of Metaverse and NFT creating software

Target Group

This cross-sectorial project aligns closely with the vocational education and training (VET) sector. As a result, we have tailored our proposal to cater to the needs of the VET field while acknowledging that students and young individuals from various backgrounds can benefit equally from the project’s offerings.

  • Our primary target group for this project consists of students aged 14-18. Specifically, those enrolled in vocational education and training (VET) programs with limited opportunities, particularly in the arts field. Additionally, we have gathered extensive information about this target group through our partner school, which accommodates students in a dormitory setting. Many of these students come from low-income families and reside in rural areas, far from the school or nearby cities. Furthermore, providing a free dormitory facility is a valuable opportunity for them to access education. Interestingly, despite their socio-economic background, all these students possess mobile devices, which presents a convenient solution for our NFT creation process. Consequently, building upon their artistic skills, our project aims to empower them by teaching them how to utilize free software available in the Metaverse to design wearables and game items. Together, we will harness their artistic potential and open new doors of opportunity in the exciting realm of the Metaverse.
  • Moreover, our second target group comprises VET trainers, aiming to provide a pedagogical training approach for their professional development.
  • Lastly, the third target group consists of VET providers, and our project aims to support them in integrating the MetaNFT project training into their curricula.

Training Framework

Unit 1 – Definitions and Map of Metaverse with free NFT creation software

1.1 Introduction to the Metaverse (including definitions and terminology)

1.2 Exploring the Metaverse: Digital Identity, Blockchain, NFTs, and Cryptocurrency

1.3 Understanding the Concept of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

1.4 Exploring Different Metaverses: Decentraland, Sandbox, and More

1.5 Mapping the Metaverse: Key Locations and Features

1.6 Introduction to Free NFT Creation Software: The Role of VoxEdit

1.7 Creating Basic NFTs with VoxEdit: A Tutorial for Beginners

1.8 Social and Cultural Impact of the Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges

Unit 2 – Security Strategy while using Blockchain

2.1 Understanding Blockchain Technology: Basics and Importance

2.2 Key Security Concerns in the Blockchain Space

2.3 Strategies to Secure Your NFTs and Blockchain Transactions

2.4 Understanding Smart Contracts and Their Security Aspects

2.5 Best Practices for Protecting Your Digital Assets and Identity

2.6 Tips for Avoiding Scams and Frauds in the Blockchain World

Unit 3 – How to Create NFT on the Metaverse

3.1 Introduction to Creating NFTs on the Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges

3.2 The Revolution of Web3.0

3.3 Step-by-step Guide to Creating NFT Avatars using VoxEdit

3.4 Designing and Creating NFT Wearables with VoxEdit

3.5 Crafting Unique NFT Game Items for the Metaverse

3.6 Minting and Listing Your NFTs: The Path to Monetizing Your Art


In conclusion, the EU-funded project “V2B: Creating NFT Opportunities on Metaverse for Art VET Trainees” is set to revolutionize the world of digital assets and unleash the creative potential of vocational education and training (VET) students. Through the innovative combination of the Metaverse and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), this project opens up endless possibilities for artistic expression, skill development, and future employability. Additionally, with a comprehensive range of aims and objectives, including the creation of training modules, the development of NFT creation skills, and the integration of project outcomes into VET curricula, MetaNFT is poised to make a lasting impact. Ultimately, the project’s success will pave the way for future advancements in digital art and education.

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MetaNFT Press Release

MetaNFT Press Release

L4Y Learning for Youth GmbH coordinates EU-funded “V2B: Creating NFT Opportunities on Metaverse for Art VET Trainees - 2022-1-DE02-KA210-VET-000080828” project with Adana Cukurova Guzel Sanatlar and EMC Services Ltd. Partners prepared this blog post, “MetaNFT Press...